KONY 2012

So this guy is claiming that the invisible children org is making profits and is more interested in making movies than the actual objective!

I don't believe it for a second!

Why does there always have to be someone to focus only on the negatives of a scenario?

Sure, the money could be better spent, but you show me a single charity that does not cover its costs before donating the remainder to the cause!

This guy commented that the invisible children are indicating that Kony is the only war criminal of the kind. Rubbish, just in that one video alone, they show the list of most wanted war criminals and say 'it STARTS with Kony'.

He says that it is not right to support the Ugandan Army because they have been responsible for rape and looting as well. Even in our 'civilised' society, we hear about rape and sexual assault allegations in the police and armed forces, so what good does it do to say 'they are all bad'?

It is one thing to have objections to an idea, especially an idea like this which is responsible for the FIRST EVER MILITARY INTERVENTION, STARTED BY THE PEOPLE, but if you don't have a better idea, don't knock those that try!

Personally, I love the Kony2012 concept and I will be contributing.

My 2c.... Peace!
I put that link above as there is always 2 sides to every story.

And fair call too!

Most people, me included didn't know much or anything about Kony until recently, I just think that guy's 'report' is counterproductive!

Watching how special interest groups and charity's have embezzled BILLIONS of dollars in the states after 911 and got away with it, they can take all their causes, put it in a pipe and smoke it.

I love to find out about what is happening outside of my immediate surroundings, however my tax dollar is already being spent to combat idiots like this man, and to think I am going to let a charity who has 4 board members have my hard earned money is bloody down right dumb.

Do some research and if you still feel comfortable in giving $$$ to a charity that releases a video, which was rather shocking to watch, no doubt about that, but not have its eggs in its basket is just someone looking for dumb people to give them money.

Do the 3 hours of research as my wife and I did and at the end of it, if you still feel that you should give money, I will give you my paypal and you can donate to us, being I can spend your money on better things that will actually make a difference, like the battered childrens shelter, beyond blue or the Esther foundation.
I find it funny how no-one mentions how soldiers are "recruited" Lebanon. I had a friend many years back who was from lebanon and he told me that it was routine for the army to barge into a family house at any time of the night and take the young boys (some as young as 8) from the family. This was conscription lebanese-style. He also mentioned that they made the young boys chase a chicken in a pen and kill it with their own hands. All this he got from his older brother (Khalid was only two years older than my friend). All of this child recruitment stems right back to the ancient spartans. If you look up the spartans and read about their society and practices, I guarantee all of you will be shocked.
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