understand all that but just didnt want to get the fellas hope up. even on your estimate of value, there is a lot of difference between $150 and $400, and he said they are only in excellent condition, so i would be guessing hes more likely to get the lower end of your pricing rather than the higher end. and one common card missing in a rl set aint gonna affect the price that much, and i'm guessing the same to a discerning star wars buyer. i understand that star wars fans are die hard , but what i'm saying is they're not stupid. and selaed box prices aren't really a good guide to base complete common set prices on, you pay overs on a box because of its age and because its sealed, you also have 36 wrappers that could fetch around $20 a piece. so i'm sticking with my call of lower and of your pricing rather than the higher end. you may get that price but you would have to be in the right place at the right time. and yeah i remember spending pocket money on these as well, along with buying scanlens star wars and empire cards, still have some but i doubt anyone would pay much for mine, lol