Another sneak in the same day. Ok who works for select on here.
Im trying to work this card out. To me it has a "2007" and a "Champions", and numbered "TC1", which would be "T?????? Champions" of the year 2007. Seems a bit odd.
And i reckon that "double tigers" one is a gem.
I reckon that the word we can see part of isnt champions as that is not the top of an 'm' before the possible 'p' What about a word along the lines of centurions??????? I think it is 'urions' we can see
Im thinking given the reaction i got earlier that i was not to far wrong calling it a double trouble card
Select just updated their facebook status with -
Owen O'Neil likes the sound of his own voice
Go back to the Afl or Select, Wherever you came from.
People have to realise that these sneek peaks dont make everyone hard.
That doesnt mean they arent entitled to an opinion.
Maybe you need to spend more time reading. All the regulars on this section on the forum can tell you how Owen feels about Select.
I do admit that i agree with most of what he says and i think as long term collectors we are entitled to speak out.
We only want whats best for the hobby and dont bag out Select for the fun of it.
We want improvements and want NRL cards to be of the same quality as the rest of the world. We pay premium prices.
Compare what $400 can buy you between NBA and NRL cards.