About to be dropped off the grid :(


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My website and email are about to get dropped off the grid for the rest of the month due to an unexpectedly high volume of activity on my website (yay?!!?)

Sadly, I have exceeded my monthly bandwidth quota.

So, if you are one of the lucky people waiting on a set of the Captain's Heritage Cricket cards and you see my website is no longer active, DON'T PANIC!! I'll check on OCT frequently for any PMs, as I most likely won't get email notifications of any messages left here etc, if you know what I mean :D Darned nuisance!
I guess thats kind of a good thing, ur too popular lol.

Hence, the ironic exclamation in my OP. Don't know whether to be happy about being a popular website, or sad that if the popularity continues, I'll have to fork out more money for more bandwidth. I guess it's kind of a nice problem to have :lol:
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