Re: Anyoffers on a 2003 Scanlens Darren Lockyer Signed by Darren himself at a book la
Personally I think each to there own. I enjoy collecting signed cards. I get commons and low end inserts signed. My PC is based around signed base sets. I am only one card away from finishing a complete signed 2010 champions base set. I wouldn't get #'d cards or rare cards signed. I saw somewhere that someone had a locker jersey card with an IP sig. Even to someone like me who loves signed cards, I thought it was insane and ruined a great card. I had a great chat with Gasnier once about it and he doesn't have a problem with signing for fans. It's rude people who are in it for the $$$ that pisses him off. He also didn't want to devalue his full sig, so it was still valuable for his foundation/charity work.
I have had players look at my collection and tell me stories of how they collected as kids. And sone still do. There was an instance where I was talking to Michael Weyman and Dean young, they signed a few cards for me and saw some old Sailor and Bennett 94 cards and then started telling stories of pulling gold cards in 94.
I would say out of all the cards I have had signed there is only a couple if times a player has been rude to me and that's because the guy before me handed them 10+ cards.
Personally I think each to there own. I enjoy collecting signed cards. I get commons and low end inserts signed. My PC is based around signed base sets. I am only one card away from finishing a complete signed 2010 champions base set. I wouldn't get #'d cards or rare cards signed. I saw somewhere that someone had a locker jersey card with an IP sig. Even to someone like me who loves signed cards, I thought it was insane and ruined a great card. I had a great chat with Gasnier once about it and he doesn't have a problem with signing for fans. It's rude people who are in it for the $$$ that pisses him off. He also didn't want to devalue his full sig, so it was still valuable for his foundation/charity work.
I have had players look at my collection and tell me stories of how they collected as kids. And sone still do. There was an instance where I was talking to Michael Weyman and Dean young, they signed a few cards for me and saw some old Sailor and Bennett 94 cards and then started telling stories of pulling gold cards in 94.
I would say out of all the cards I have had signed there is only a couple if times a player has been rude to me and that's because the guy before me handed them 10+ cards.