The Most massive card in my collection and a huge THANKS!


Im Not Juan Garcia
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A few days ago I got a PM out of the blue from Matt "Can you send me your address, a member wants to send you something". Cool I thought, that's nice of whoever it is.

Fast forward to today -
Massive day, writing kids reports, printing kids reports, and the school concert tonight - worked a 14 hour day (no sympathy wanted:P )
Get home and there is a package in the mail for me (with Matt's name on the back!), and all I can say is damn, this is the nicest thing. Simply mind blowing when I pulled this out of the envelope. Bigger and better than I could have ever imagined.

My collecting has been on hold lately trying to fund an upcoming holiday, so to get this means even more and reignites the passion for collecting.

I cannot express my THANKS enough

It is going to take pride of place as the best card in my collection and definitely the biggest card in the collection. #1/5

The only thing better than a PC Tag.... Is a PC Tag that was a GIFT!!!

Great effort Matt!!!
dislike!! they're only sucking up to you cos ur a mod! a bl00dy awesome one at that :P

i do like how camby has his zoolander going on....."look at my giant tag ladies"

great stuff all round!
I always enjoy seeing tales of generosity among on the board. Great gift and a great card!
Christmas spirit is contagious - awesome card but an even better gesture. Wishing everyone a very Matty Christmas!
that is amazing! and inspiring. I was told how good this forum is and this proves the quality of members. I am trying to build my Dwight Howard exquisite + ud black collection and on another unnamed site its the opposite. As soon as people know what u are after the price goes thru the roof. I look forward to doing some deals with the boys ( and girls?) here!
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