Who's watching the game 2nyt/in the morning?


Can't wait for the game 2nyt, chance for the roos to take the next step is finally here! :D I'm tipping a win and progression, for the boys, 2-1 or 1-zip... Anybody from Brisbane going to the city to watch it? It sucks there's nowhere central to all meet up like they're doing in Melbourne or Sydney, I might go to one of the pubs/backpackers to watch it. Anyone else going out for the game, or everybody rugging up in a blanket on the couch??? :p GO, THE SOCCEROOS!!!
i will definatley be watching it but only at my house, cant wait ,wat a moment for aussie soccer!!! go AUSSIES!!!!!!, i
i am very tempted to watch the game but i have to start work at 8:30 am on friday. I might try and get up at 4am but its hard enough to get up at 7:30 to go to work lol. Anyway fingers crossed i get to watch & good luck to the boys i know they can do it!
some mates are coming over to my place at about midnight (we all took tomorrow off) so we can get a few hours of of drinking in so we're nice and loud when the match starts lol :lol:
i knock off work at 6am, so ive set it up to tape and will watch as soon as i get home :)
For sure. I'm confident that I can get up err, I mean for Aussie to win the game. :p

I woke up to watch the Argentina / Holland game today so I'm all go. But damnit, I'm going to miss watching the first match. Although I can't think of it at the top of my head at the moment, but I do remember it is going to be a good one. ;)
ljandkg said:
Good married man joke Hendra....who will Oz end up playing if they win????

depends on what happens tonight between italy and czech rep and ghana and usa. very even group atm but i think it will be italy :(

definately going to be watching. would normaly get up at 5.30 so a hour early isnt gonna hurt to much :)
yeh i will be getting up for the game for sure, might go to sleep earlier tonight to savour some energy for tomoz mourning and tomorrow night :cool:
go the socceroos. If they score 1 expect to see a few more netted! When they score it seems they ride on alot of confidence so it would be good to get one early.
Hell yes, My bodys in complete routine now. I've been watching two games a night(only just, my eyes get very heavy)It's easy when there one after the other but when you have a 11:30 and a 4:30 it's a killer come 8:30 @ work.

Think the boys can do it and I reckon that theres a good chance they could playing ghana .(fingers crossed). Ghana should beat the seppos and Italy may draw with the Czechs. But if Italy win we will be playing them if we get through.

The only way we can take top spot is if we win 4-0+ and Brasil lose 3+ -1
Im with Ruckers...2-0 Australia....paying $7 on sportstab.com.au

I'll be up for the game, cant wait! Hope we get a good result but am proud of the boys regardless. Gona be interesting showing up to work at 8 tomorrow morning haha ;)
Ladies and gentlemen... LLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLET'S GET READDY TO RRRRUMBLEEEEEEEEE!!! :D Wow! Spider's starting between the sticks, Kewell AND Cahill both on from the start... This is gonna kick ASS!!! BTW, any chance of buying a DVD copy of this from someone who's recording the games? I've been taping on VHS, but the quality leaves a bit to be desired... Anyway, let's bring it home, boys!
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