PSA Submission stolen


Perth, WA
Real Name
This is not a happy post. On Wednesday PSA informed me that they had rejected my submission because the box showed evidence of tampering/damage. From the photo they sent me it looks like someone has ripped the side of the box open and helped themselves to the contents.

I was absolutely gutted. The sub contained my most valuable card and best ever pull - an Erling Haaland Kaboom - a card I had recently knocked back 2.5K USD for on ebay. I wasn't aware of the ebay policy regarding verification by a 3rd party. I'd heard about it but hadn't paid any real attention to it. I then decided after inpecting the card that a PSA10 was a chance and that would make the card very valuable. I also put a Nick Suzuki Young Gun card, an Adam Fox Young Gun card, and a Brady Tkachuk Young Gun canvas card. Those 3 cards are probably about, $100USD, $80 USD and $30USD raw respectively. I threw them in because I didn't want to just send off one card.

I've probably dropped close to 5K USD- more if the Kaboom gemmed. That's a lot of money for me. I drive a 20 year old car that's worth 2K. I didn't insure the contents because of cost but mostly I thought it would be difficult trying to claim. I also did not think the probability of this happening was high. However, there does seem to be an issue with mail theft in the US at the moment. I guess it could've happened here but it's far more likely to have happened over there.

I guess my message to anyone reading this is to take out insurance and see what you have to do in order to claim. I put it into the too hard basket and now reality has smashed me in the face.

I'm a lot calmer than I was on Wednesday but I'm still going to take a hiatus from the hobby.

There's a lot worse things going on in the world at the moment. This is nothing in the grand scheme of things but it's big deal hobby wise.

I'm not looking for sympathy - well meaning as that might be. I just wanted to relay a very rough experience and to warn people that mail theft is happening and to make sure you insure your submission.

Thanks for sharing. As someone who had not submitted a card for grading as yet (am contemplating one at the moment), and one who doesn't usually insure many things, this is a useful warning.
I've spent almost 2 years getting cards graded through Card Grading Australia (CGA). As I can't afford the international costs to PSA or SGC.
I've spent almost 2 years getting cards graded through Card Grading Australia (CGA). As I can't afford the international costs to PSA or SGC.
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