complete set of 2004 captan signature cards all number 16

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westend townsville qld
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eBay User
hi all im thinking about giving the card game away i have a full set of 2004 captan signature cards all numbered the same 16 im open to selling them only as a set at this stage so some one can have all the same numbered cards which i think is very rare as there are only 40 of each card made im not going to give them away cheap so only put good offers to me please thank you steve
Great set. i think youll struggle to move it on in that kind of lot though, unless you get a decent offer from the good Doctor. best of luck steve
Good luck with sale Steve. Tough set to walk away from. Even more amazing that they all are the same number.
I hate saying this :cry: but i believe you'll get a better result $$$ wise if you split the set up & selling the cards indavidually. You should get around $12,000.00 to $13,000.00 by splitting them. Just my opinion...
Impressive :) if i had the spare cash :lol: Could possibly be interested in gower
thats the one... good ol megator. never met someone so one eyed.
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