Zforce Raves, 97/98 Game Dated Foil, 06/07 Essential Creds, True GU's, finest refract


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Have lots of paypal, looking for:

z-force raves (stars)
all 97/98 Game Dated Memorable Moments Foils
06/07 Essential Credentials (stars)
07/08 Topps finest black and gold refractors, superfractors and hyperfractors/1of1's (stars)
And any true game used card of NBA stars i.e. back of card says "worn by (insert NBA player here) in a NBA game".

Thanks for looking.

Re: Zforce Raves, 97/98 Game Dated Foil, 06/07 Essential Creds, True GU's, finest ref

Can you define "NBA STARS" you are after on the game used front?

Might have a few things you may need, especially on Exquisite land :)
Re: Zforce Raves, 97/98 Game Dated Foil, 06/07 Essential Creds, True GU's, finest ref

Well, 90's stars (malone, jordan, robinson, shaq, mourning etc etc). And the big guys currently (rose, lebron, kobe etc)

Also after anything numbered or jersey for Pete Maravich
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