Yu-Gi-Oh Trades Wanted


Yu-Gi-Oh Set Obssesed
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Im after cards 1st edition and mint for my deck and collection take a look!!

3x PTDN Dark Eruption
3x LON Jar of Greed
2x MRD Solemn Judgment
1x MRD Mirror force
2x Gold Sarcophagus
1x LON Torrential Tribute
3x MRL Upstart Goblin
2x WC08 Deep Diver Mint
1x PSV Call Of The Haunted
1x MRD Heavy storm
3x FET Good Goblin Housekeeping Mint
2x RDS Dekoichi Mint Ultimates
3x TAEV Crystal Seer Mint
CRV UFORoid Ultra 1st Mint
SOD Mobius the Frost Monarch 1st Mint
LOB Exodia set 1st Mint
Any Complete Sets 1st Mint ONLY

Also a list of my haves for trades

A Team Trap Disposal Unit
2x Mystical swordsman LV2
Sasuke Samurai #4
Gaia Soul Combustible Collective
Divine Wrath

Question PGD
Destiny Board LOD
Blue Eyes White Dragon LOB
Red Eyes B Dragon LOB
Last Turn LOD
Skull Archfiend of Lightning DCR
Exodia the forbidden One LOB (Trade only for 1st of same)
Left Arm of the Forbidden One LOB(Trade only for 1st of same)
Right Arm of the Forbidden One LOB(Trade only for 1st of same)
Left Leg of the Forbidden One LOB(Trade only for 1st of same)
Right Leg of the Forbidden One LOB(Trade only for 1st of same)
Levia-Dragon - Daedalus IOC
Luster Dragon MFC
Judgment of Anubis RDS
Diffusion Wave-Motion RDS
Dark Magician Girl RDS
Vampire Lord RDS
Perfect Machine King RDS
Gilford the Legend SD5
Ancient Gear Gadjiltron Dragon SD10
Exxod, Masterof the Guard SD7
Red Eyes B Dragon SDJ

Fire Princess
Big Burn
2xPenguin Soldier
2x Tragedy
Big Core
Divine Wrath
Sasuke Samurai
Tribe Infecting Virus
Harpie Lady Sisters
Riryoku Field
Amazoness Archers
Trojan Blast
Statue of the Wicked
D.D Designator
Mask of Dispel
Cyber Shadow Gardna
Swords of Revealing Light
Mystical Elf
Man-Eater Bug
Celtic Guardian
Dark Hole

Will consider purchasing them if need be for a good price :razz:
look forward to hearing from you

Hey man I used to be a YU GI OH collector and I have 280 cards left over.
This is the condition they are in. I can give them all to you for $20 delivered.
I think they are all real, at minimum 240 are real
Here is the condition hey are in.
There are also 3 Blue Eyes White dragons in there.
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