Ive hooked up with this guy from work once before...seems to spend a lot and not much in the way of conversation..
Dont think he even collects...although he does have a few nice jordan autos.
Anyways....he stayed for like 10 mins dumped a crap load of cards in front of me and said how much for the lot!!:shock:
Told him ide need time to go though them but he seemed to be in a rush.
Said make me an offer..from the breif flick through with all the base cards mixed in i did see a few nice ones so made him a small offer and he grabbed the cash.
I did say leave them with me and ill have a better look....so glad he didnt because i struck what i believe to be a massive card !!!
Im scanning heaps so bear with me...ill start of with the big one
ALL FOR SALE EVENTUALLY..need to check prices
Cheers matt,,,,ive been searching through ebay to give me some idea on price and its looking pretty damn good...im talkin a serious chunk of change here
Youll have to take my word for it...but lets just say if i sold everything else i have (except the big hit) ide make my money back and maybe a bit more
Thanks all....ive got the feeling mihn may be right on this one...hes missed it thinking it was a filler.
I may end up slipping him some more cash if it gets a decent price.. Anyone care to have a stab at prices for it !!
LOLO.... im going to slip him some cash anyway..even tho i cant say hes really my cup of tea.
Thanks for having a crack at the price....its in the ball park but like you said its going to depend on what the patches/5 and autos look like.
i reckon you offered him $30 bucks it couldnt be anymore than 50 cos theres not that much in there! i wanna know how much, dont be a pu$$y! you've already robbed him hahahahaha