Your welcome! Great mailday yur killing it with the farieds!! And a 1/1?! Score! Good luck in the playoffs. I was just listening to espn radio and I didn't Catch who it was, but 1 particular analyst is predicting a Denver miami final!
Your welcome! Great mailday yur killing it with the farieds!! And a 1/1?! Score! Good luck in the playoffs. I was just listening to espn radio and I didn't Catch who it was, but 1 particular analyst is predicting a Denver miami final!
I watch ALOT of ESPN and a few have predicted a DEN/MIA finals, I'm not THAT optimistic.
There was even one that has Denver winning it all... I can't see that happening, we've never even won a conference championship let alone a NBA championship HAHA
Congrats on the 1/1 but for me cant go past those Manimals. Damn I love watching that guy play!!! 12 autos and counting - looking forward to watching the collection grow
Being from Colorado I've never been much of a Nuggets fan because they have always sucked, but I am really starting to like Kenneth! What a beast!! Nice work! I thought about starting a PC with him. This mailday may have pushed me...