Xmas Non-Sports breaks.


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Opened a bunch of boxes with family over Christmas, a lot of Black Friday cheapees and just stuff I wanted to try more of. Will post them over the next day or so as I sort through them.

Firstly some Star Wars. Overall, probably didn't do great, still haven't scored a big name auto, but a couple of nice pieces...

Galactic Files 2 - Nothing great, not a fan of badges/medals, though the Lando sketch by Jason Durden is pretty neat.

Next up Chrome Perspectives 2 - More medallions, and now we have redemptions for sketches ?? Hope it's a nice one.... Jawa is by John Soukup

Empire Strikes Back Illustrated. Luke is by Sol Mohamed, Ughnaught is by "TG" whoever that may be... Plate is a bonus, though not really as it counts as a hit! Probe Droid is a gold /10

Journey To The Force Awakens. Gave this another go to get a few more color parallels and maybe score an auto I didn't have which I did with the Morton. But I already had both badges and the other auto, so not much good there !

Was looking forward to opening Force Awakens Series 1 - Bit of a pity my order got culled from 6 boxes to 2 though. Didn't score anything big, no auto's but at least I got some nice relics in the Stormtrooper costumes, and these medallions don't look too terrible.

Lastly I had a go at High Tek, these cards are pretty nice, lots of variation to chase and on card auto's. No big names but I did okay, nice 1/1 of Veers. Have to admit I'm really starting to dislike the animated stuff being mixed in with the movies though...

To be continued.....
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Nice breaks mate. Can't believe they have redemptions for sketches now!! I hope it means it's an oversized sketch or a big puzzle sketch they couldn't back out
not a bad start at all,

redemptions for sketches is a strange thing indeed, I imagine the artist didn't return them on time, or is it something different like an oversized art piece......

Likewise my 4 became 1...was so disappointed this happened.

All I pulled was a Niew Nunb auto & Flametrooper Medallion

Grabbed some High Tek and got Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett) Auto, Aurra Sing Auto, Jon "Dutch" Vander Auto #ed to 50, Poe Armor Tek and R2-D4 sketch

My luck with Star Wars is very ordinary. Hoping Series 2 allocations aren't reduced also

I see new Evolution is out...gee Topps over saturating us with Star Wars releases last 18 months. If this keep going and my luck continues may have to try and cease this addiction in 2016.

Yeah, I don't do well in Star Wars either and I've been a fan since '77, shouldn't I get some points for that ! ;-)

Lucky you got onto series 2, looks like it may have sold out already, I might miss out altogether...
On with the show...Here's the Marvel part of things -


Still not Lilly auto, but I did get materials I needed and the sketch by Deguire is pretty nice...the Hogan is, well, a Hogan... I have two others of his sketches no one wants...

2 x Avengers Age of Ultron

Nothing great here either, though the FrankenHulk sketch by Joao Vicente Cardoso is decent.

Tried a couple of Avengers Silver Age - sketches are rare in this, so of course, I only got panels...

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Went a couple of Enders game boxes, at the price they were it was worth the gamble chasing a Harrison Ford auto, but yeah, it's a longshot.

Also tried another few Panini Americana's- a 2012 hoping for an Astronaut auto, but not a terrible box.

And a couple of 2015, hoping for an Ali Larter, or Al Pacino or something. Pretty happy with the Mickey Rourke, but the other autos are a bit like "Who ???" Redemption will be pretty good if it ever gets filled...

Last of the movie stuff was a couple of Hobbit 2's. No sketch, but I needed the gold dude... Serkis is a dupe unfortunately...

Did some TV stuff as well....

2 x Game of Thrones S4 - Very happy with the Oona Chaplin, even if it is miscut as a lot were. It's probably one of the best auto's in S4 which was pretty weak compared to others...

Went one box of Castle and a couple more of Arrow, really happy to get the Summer Glau, this time I can see her face !! Neat inscription on the other one as well, and I got costumes I needed..

Lastly went 2 boxes of Doctor Who. I've watched it on and off over the years, steadily in the Eccleston and early Tennant days, but have dropped off lately. Would have loved a Billie Piper auto, but did pretty okay -

Yeah, looks like I'm shorted a hit, but no, one of the boxes had this in it -

Cut signature 1/1 of the Second Doctor Patrick Troughton. There was a single cut signature for each of the first 3 Doctors, so pretty amazing pull and the first cut signature I've ever pulled. Because I'm not a huge fan, I'm thinking it should really go to someone who'll appreciate it, so will be listing it on ebay in the New Year - any thoughts on what it'd be worth ??

So all in all, a fun afternoon breaking with the family and in the end I did pretty okay I think...
Nice assortment of products, congrats, looks like you had a fun Christmas/Boxing day busting all this product
SWGF 2 - not a bad sketch, at least full colour
Chrome - Jawa always a popular character amongst a few collectors, John Soukup's style is certainly different, Redemptions seem to becoming increasing more evident with SW products, not a fan, i rather open/be looking at what i break, heres hoping they give you a reasonable sketch
ESB Illustrated, congrats on the plate, nice sketch from Sol Mohammed, he does some nice work
JTTFA, its a shame when you break & receive the same Autos/inserts, the Gold parallels still have some appeal depending on the card number
Force Awakens Series 1 cards look great, shame about the reduction in product allocation
Star Wars High Tek product seems to be of interest to various collectors collecting variation cards (not sure i have seen a complete base set for this product)
Ant Man, cool looking Deguire sketch
AOU, full colour Hulk
Avengers Silver Age, i think there is 1one collector on another site who is collecting the various Panels, there maybe some interest for you ?

Yes, seems likes Topps is pumping out the SW sets one after the other & plenty more scheduled for 2016

Trevor, i'll drop you a PM shortly to see if you have any cards i maybe chasing
Congrats on the Doctor Who Cut Signature 1/1, surely it must hold a reasonable value for an avid Doctor Who collector, i'm sure some of the other collectors here & other forum members will be able to provide a reasonable market value, best of luck
@AusRam did you get anything good out of the BW Product...or haven't busted it yet??

Hey Mate, yeah sorry, broke them before Christmas. Nothing great, here's the numbered highlights.. Like the inscription though ;-)

Yell out if anything is of interest, or if you're after base autos. About the only base auto I'll keep is a Sara Underwood, coz what self confessed Star Wars nerd doesn't love Sara Underwood ??? ;-)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_eHNTh9hUzU

some not bad hits there, but have also seen better boxes broken on you tube, Cant argue with the Sara Underwood logic!!! send me through a list/pic of your base autos if its not to difficult there may be one or two there that will interest me
Got a notification today that Topps are shipping my Star Wars Sketch redemption. Hope it's something worth the wait!