Xbox 360 players and games


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Just wondering if anyone has put down any pre orders for 360 games?

I got
Fifa 12
Assasins creed Revelations

All pre ordered ready to go.

Anyone play Bad company 2 online?

Friggen love that game it smashes COD

GT is MR x Plosive :thumbsup:
i pre-ordered

assassins creed revelations..
gears of war 3: epic edition.. - omg this is gonna be the greatest.. love it!
Bfbc2 is what I play . pre orders gears epic ed , bf3, and going insane waiting for Diablo 3 . (golden eye reloaded might be good fingers crossed)
man, i am addicted to Bfbc2 level 50 for a long time now, but easing off on the game coz there is some many f**# heads that keep team killing.
Oh im sorry i dont want you to sit in the passenger seat of my Apache bang dead
Spawn dead-medic revive bang dead and so on. cant wait for BF3 taking a week off cough cough
im only 37 just got all insignias . level 50 how many hours have you put in? you don't have to answer I know how people react .
nah im happy to tell you mate 1051hrs
But take into consideration it was my first shooter. was really into fifa and other sports games before.
I see the top of the leaderboard in Bfbc2 winslowlee or something like that has played 3154 odd hours geez louise thats some serious game time

---------- Post added 31-08-2011 at 08:19 PM ----------

my GT is Mr x Plosive if you wanna add me dude
If anyone is playing dead island atm and needs help smashing some zombies add my gamer tag crg0084 and I would be more than happy to give you a hand :)
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