Pack 4
Baron Davis - red white and blue
James White RC
mini mojo - my first Randy Foye - PLatinum influence
twolves hot pack, R davis and M blount base
Pack 5
Wally Z - mini PC mojo
Gilbert Arenas - TL
Thabo Sefolosha RC
Pack 6
JJ Redick - red white and blue (I now know what it is reprint thingy but i like red white and blue better :-P)
Kevin Pittsnogle RC
LaMArcus ALdridge PI
Pack 7
JOrdan (again)
Paul Pierce - TL
Andrea BArgnani RC
Pack 8
Devin Harris
Tyrus Thomas Rookie Sensations
Douby RC
Pack 9
Brad MIller red white and blue reprint thingy
Hilton Armstrong RC
Renaldo Balkman (how similar tht sounds to a former knick ronaldo blackman lol) PI