Okay so only watch the last one if you want to see the real hits... otherwise for a look at the different stuff that arrived this week... I broke it into three smaller videos.
Probably the longest mailday ever! Some great quality in there too - fantastic tags and I've always wanted a Logoman too! ....next video I'm requesting an American accent!
Probably the longest mailday ever! Some great quality in there too - fantastic tags and I've always wanted a Logoman too! ....next video I'm requesting an American accent!
It's a Garnett Jersey... I ignore the fact its Evil Celtic colours. Much like I ignore the fact my Isaiah Rider Jersey that fits me is a Lakers one. lol
There is another important card to come from that trade. The grene and Blacks are only worth so much becaus eof 1 or 2 collectors. Without those two crazy collectors that apparently have money to throw away... I wouldn't have been able to add some better looking cards