Okay I've fixed up Marvin the martians page.... best news is, I'm looking to move to a new server that gives me more room very soon.... so I will be putting my entire Marbury and Garnett collections up too..... once of course I have more room and time to scan all the buggers..... cheers folks
UPDATED http://www.wolvesjr34.co.uk/ now has a new look and is dedicated to my twolves collection... i have added all cards for players surnames A to J of the more common players. McCants and Foye pages done, Rider RCs done, Garnett GU done.
Check it out and let me know what you think of the new design!
If it appears to be doubles if its TSC its members only or finals stamp.... and in other cards its foreign versions you just cannot tell the diff by the front...
Well it is now 3:58am.... and my entire Maarbury collection (Barring one blowup card) is available to view on my website.... so please look, after all that effort LMAO I am going to sleep now.... oh and look for hidden messages
Updating my Photobucket... easier to keep track in my bucket than on my website lmao
My major Wolves cards are now in the bucket if you want to see what I do or don't have.... or if you just want to have a look at how the collection is booming.
As my other recent thread indicates, I've been seeing some recognition for my Timberwolves collection from overseas.
As a result I am updating my website... some of you may know it and some of you won't... Wolvesjr34.co.uk
I'm for the most part updating it alphabetically... I've completed all players with surnames starting with A & B. I've completed page one of Isaiah Rider and I've completed the Minnesota cards of Rashad McCants. So feel free to check it out and tell me what you think of the layout (with thanks to Matty who gave me the basic html code that I tweaked for the player pages).
Obviously at this point in time photobucket is still the place to see the "cool" cards - ie autos and relic cards. However my website will have pretty much every timberwolves card I have on it by the end. I intend to keep it updated also, so its a VERY good reference point to find out what I need. At the moment only a few players can be used as reference, given that I've only just begun the rescanning process. But it will be an excellent reference point.
You can navigate the major players by clicking on their name on the index page - other wise all other players can be accessed via the player menu on the right hand side of the page.