Wilt 25/25 triple jersey

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I'll take the Wilt now thanks. If you look out your window you will see a dark sedan. It will stay there until you put the Wilt in a bubble mailer, address it to me and put it on your front doorstep. Walk to the back of the house and don't even think about looking out a window. If you follow these instructions carefully I will make a phone call and you able to post here as much as you want tomorrow ;-)

eBay is for losers that want to pay for things Scott.
chadjaja® said:
I'll take the Wilt now thanks. If you look out your window you will see a dark sedan. It will stay there until you put the Wilt in a bubble mailer, address it to me and put it on your front doorstep. Walk to the back of the house and don't even think about looking out a window. If you follow these instructions carefully I will make a phone call and you able to post here as much as you want tomorrow ;-)

eBay is for losers that want to pay for things Scott.


But no Chad...that aint gonna happen :lol:
chadjaja® said:
Is the phone ringing.......?

not at work here it aint....and the only thing i can see out my window is a 25T crane!! LOL :cool:

my housemates may be shittin themselves right about now but..... ;)
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