Why trading is good for our hobby


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From sportscardsfun.com and I thoght it was perfect for here :D

Trading is good, very good for our hobby. Let's reflect for a moment on the name of the product we all love so much...."trading cards". Webster’s defines trading as "To exchange something in for something else" and card as "A flat, usually rectangular piece of stiff paper, cardboard, or plastic"....okay, I think we all get the literal card definition; however, somewhere along the line the trading or the "action" of our hobby has unfortunately fallen by the way-side. This failure to maintain the original intent of trading cards should be cause for concern to all of us.

I’m sure you’ve noticed that as cards become more and more premium so does the price? Don't get me wrong, I love premium auto/game-used cards as much as the next collector, but we all know the price we pay for chasing these elusive cards. Perhaps like me, you’ve noticed that the current trend of the sports card manufactures seems to be to push the price of premium packs even higher? Although those $100, $200, and $500 dollar packs of cards are certainly intriguing, and currently sell out quickly at my local card shop, it’s my opinion that these incredibly expensive packs are not the best direction for the sports card industry to move in permanently. Clearly there is a place for this very premium product, but their sheer existence can be a bit intimidating to the average collector.

Even the low-end cards of today can break the piggy bank of the seemingly ignored young collectors who represent the future of the trading card industry. (Then again, perhaps the reality of this hobby is that it’s not a kid’s hobby anymore and future collectors will discover the hobby after they enter adulthood.) The point is this, the average collector isn’t Bill Gates, and continually having to pay the higher and higher price for products will eventually lead to hobby burnout and or bankruptcy; in other words, people will quit buying cards.

So what’s the solution? How does the sports card Industry not only survive, as it has been doing, but flourish and grow now and for future generations? One word…TRADING!

In my opinion, it’s imperative that the leaders of this industry do substantially more than they ever have, to preserve and support the trading so critical to its’ long-term success. From the top of the food chain that starts with the manufacturers and publishers, on down the line to the shop owners and the consumers; participating in the trading of cards will keep this hobby strong.

The rational behind the notion that trading can significantly improve the entire sports card industry…

Trading helps entices a collector into purchasing more cards. Huh? Some might think that trading would reduce retail card sales, the rational being that if people are trading then people are not buying - oh not so my cardboard-collecting friends! Through trading, collectors are able to trade for the handful of cards that they need without breaking the bank. Once a set or player list is successfully completed with relative ease via trading, the collector is then more motivated to move onto the next set/list; the catalyst for the trading to take place is the purchasing of cards at the local card shop. In other words, trading is the positive reinforcement needed to keep a collector buying more cards, to then trade more cards, to then fill more sets/lists, and ultimately keep that collector in the hobby for the long term.

Trading increases the value and usefulness of a trader's unneeded cards! As most of us know, the book value of a card doesn't usually mean you can go sell your card to your local dealer or on ebay for that listed price. Unless you’ve got an incredibly hot card, trying to sell your cards can often be a very disappointing experience, since buyers will often only give you a small percentage of what the price guides say a card is worth. With trading however, the value of your cards are often the same as their listed book value since many traders trade "book value for book value". Now, this certainly is not always the case, and often times you must trade in some ones favor in order to negotiate a trade. The point is that by engaging in trading with fellow collectors, your unwanted cards become a currency that can produce fantastic results.

Trading keeps the accumulation of unwanted cards to a minimum.
With trading, collectors have a way to send back into circulation those boxes and boxes of cards taking-up their closet space and extra bedrooms of their homes. Having a room full of extra cards that you don't want and don't know what to do with can be incredibly frustrating, stagnating, and often times leads to a collector quitting the hobby. So, out with the old and in with the new, thanks to trading!

Trading is fun and is a great way to make life long friends that share a common interest!
Start trading cards and make a friend. Okay, it’s a little warm and fuzzy notion right? But with all that's on our plates today isn’t it nice to connect with friends that share a common interest? Hooking up with fellow collectors to trade provides even more positive feedback for that collector to keep buying and collecting. Plus, trading tends to be a bit more conducive to making friends since it takes the hard earned cash out of the picture that normally goes along with buying and selling cards; it’s a bit easier to part with a card than it is to part with the all mighty dollar! I’ve personally seen numerous lifelong friendships develop simply because 2 people decided to trade sports cards. Often time these friendships are purely via email, but I can assure you that they are friendships none the less.

I'd like to see the sports card industry boom; I'd like to see kids trading baseball cards with their friends again. I'd particularly love to see more adult collectors rediscover the fun of trading! I want to say to the leaders of this industry "Hey guys! You want to sell more cards? Introduce a collector not only to collecting but to trading, do this and you'll have a collector for life! With the marketing tools and technology available today, the sports card industry has the ability to facilitate more sports card trading than ever. How about a sports card show just for trading!

Remember the roots of collecting "trading cards". Remember what it was like to trade cards with your friends. Remember what it was like to get that card that meant more to you than anything, but that your trading partner would happily part with for a card want of their own. That's the experience we need to embrace to keep our hobby flourishing, that's the fun that trading cards is all about.
While I agree, the net has made continuing collecting possible. Although without the net we would certainly see more shops but prices would be WAY up!

I tried to organise a pub night a while ago in Melbourne and it fell on it arse. :-(

I'll shout a pot and 5 toploaders for all interested LOL.

I've caught up with a few members here in my time and they all been real wankers :-P Hell Scotty and I went on a date to the movies ! LMAO.

Not to mention JJ's hotel room =;
chadjaja® said:
While I agree, the net has made continuing collecting possible. Although without the net we would certainly see more shops but prices would be WAY up!

I tried to organise a pub night a while ago in Melbourne and it fell on it arse. :-(
Chad do you go to the meets that Sonny (sasquach) has from time to time in Melbourne, i think theres one coming up on April the 9th. Hopefully there will be a couple of members from the boards there. Thats where i met Gemz and Sonny. And Wayne well hes another story, i wish i still had the pics i had of him so i could post the real jimmy jackson up.
Ive been to a few but I don't really bust wax so i used to go for supplies. Now with NWsupplies I don't bother. I may make a trip if more members were going. There isn't much stuff normally I'd want.

AND I have a pic of the famous/infamous JJ. I'll save it for another time as he has an exclusive deal with a womens magazine LOL. Camera phones rock! :supz:
chadjaja® said:
I've caught up with a few members here in my time and they all been real wankers :-P Hell Scotty and I went on a date to the movies ! LMAO.

Not to mention JJ's hotel room =;


Although Gone With The Wind would have been more romantic, Narnia had to do...
You both went to the movies and came out of the Wardrobe together?? I know this thread was about trading and social interaction...but I think this is beginning to head off topic!! LOL!!!
great thread but this hobby is becoming a rich man's hobby. now adays kids who doesnt have the funds that we have struggle to do a deal coz their getting ignored. heck some kids in beckett get piss off when no1 replies to their trade thread and end up quiting all together.

btw scott am going to the show in april 9 on sandown as sonny told me he will have some extra boxes coming in u.s
It would be great for everyone to meet, and i do agree that the internet is slowly killing off card shops etc...but...

The internet is a fantastic resource for people in remote areas...like Evan (nvd001, Emerald) and Myself (Rockhampton).

For example, before joining this site i used to spend my hard earned money on things like cars and my house...now i spend it on cards!!! I log onto this site at least 10 times a day and without the internet and sites like this i would doubt whether i would have even considered getting back into collecting. I think that there would be a few people the same here.....

Well thats my two cents....
I agree with a few things here. The internet is a valuable resource for collector's and can also be a valuable resource for lots more trades with a place like this forum!
With regard to the topic, I think you can get caught up in the big dollar stuff if you have some spare dollars to throw around. More trading is needed for the younger kids, school is always a good place for that. It would be great if everyone collected commons of at least one player too, this would help make commons more meaningfull and help collector's who break alot of boxes distribute their extras without resorting to throwing them away. By the way I have lots of commons, so who do YOU collect? LOL.
I tend to agree with this, and I've been thinking about something similar myself, along the lines of "Are our collecting habits killing the hobby?"

My thoughts are by buying through the internet, and not through Card Shops is killing the old-time cornerstore Card Shop, hence reducing the marketability to young impressionable kids. If these kids don't have the Card Shops to garner interest in, then more & more will find it difficult to get into the hobby.

Also, due to our collecting habits (and also due some part to increase in property ownership prices) Cards Stores have jacked up prices and (IMO) overcharge customers, just to make a profit. Conversely though, if more of us supported Card Shops, then they could reduce prices and make even more money.

Others' thoughts???
Very good point DVS, the net is great for people outside cities. =D>

Thought this may be of interest...
One cool dude has this in his auction descriptions...
Remember eBay is a fun place to look at stuff but don't forget about the card shows & shops!! Without shops and shows it will be tough to bring in new collector's to the market and what will your collection be worth if the 5-15 year olds of today are not collecting tomorrow? eBay is a place for the experienced collector not a beginner and they need to see the cards in hand to experience the excitement for collecting and yes I am a card shop owner. I see first hand the lack of traffic in my store and am very concerned when I am 50-60-70 years old what the market will be like if the younger generation of tomorrow isn't brought up into the market the way I was. eBay is great but not for the younger collector. They should & need to experience shows and shops to see the excitement to build a real desire to collect. Without your support these experiences are diminishing. Please support the local shops and shows as well as eBay. It won't matter if you save a few hundred dollars today if tomorrow there isn't a buyer!!!! Did you know that with the combination of eBay & card companies allowing boxes to hit the market at or below shop costs (within days of the release sometimes even pre-sales) has put over 50% of the card shops out of business in the last 6 years?? How many card shops are in your city now and how many new one's have opened in the last 6 years? Something needs to change or the only shops left will be distributors and retired wealthy store owners who work for free. Thanks for your time and have a Happy New Year and remember only you can make a difference!!!!
Holy shit. Glad I found this thread. Justdabullshitartist gave me the heads up on it. Chadjaja - that was a damn fine meal huh!? Seriously high rolling for that weekend. Have to do it again some time! Scottsophie, speak not of my lil sister. I will hunt you down you dog.

As for the article, oh yeah, the umm topic... well frankly, that might well be one of the worst pieces of writing I've ever seen. Anyhow, the point of it is duly noted. Completely agree that trading is a great thing for the growth of the hobby and I've personally befriended many people including some of you goons in the process. I'm now too cranky to trade... hearing the word "tradelist" gives me uncontrollable itching... sometimes I want to trade my lebron auto for 100 commons just to end the ordeal ;)
jimmy jackson said:
Holy shit. Glad I found this thread. Justdabullshitartist gave me the heads up on it. Chadjaja - that was a damn fine meal huh!? Seriously high rolling for that weekend. Have to do it again some time! Scottsophie, speak not of my lil sister. I will hunt you down you dog.

As for the article, oh yeah, the umm topic... well frankly, that might well be one of the worst pieces of writing I've ever seen. Anyhow, the point of it is duly noted. Completely agree that trading is a great thing for the growth of the hobby and I've personally befriended many people including some of you goons in the process. I'm now too cranky to trade... hearing the word "tradelist" gives me uncontrollable itching... sometimes I want to trade my lebron auto for 100 commons just to end the ordeal ;)

I always speak the truth and post my real pics and not better looking people ;)
JJ's know how to live it up for sure. My girl is still tipsy LOL

As far as the article, not the greatest of reads but it does bring up interesting points I thought others could comment on and they have. One thing is that stores could never offer the variety that online does. A collector like me now would be stagnant with only the latest and most in demand cards being sold. I would have to pre order and the shop would simply order online like i would anyway but I'd have to pay the middle man. That and the player collector would really suffer with cards being pulled on the other side of the world staying there. Although the player collector did well back in the day because MOST cards were fairly common even if rarer inserts. Its more of a case that card companies have made it so we can never go back. People want to collect it all and that just wouldn't happen now without eBay.

I feel your pain with trading too. But if done on msn or the phone its much easier. Some people are just plain anal about BV and getting the absolute max out of a trade rather than just be happy with what they get in return.

Good posts guys.
just my opinion. Trading RULES! My justification-

I can trade some cards i hate or really want to get rid of, for cards i love. I can trade sweet cards, for even better cards. And with cards i want to get rid of, i can trade them for cards i want, without having the hassles of selling it, and then using that money to get the card i want.
This is spooky Chad.....

I was JUST reading this thread, because I saw it listed as similar to some other thread I was reading and I was curious... spooky.....

Anyway.... trading makes me a helluva lot happier than buying, my problem is I don't have much for trade... who wants a Romain Sato auto? answer = NOBODY lol

But I agree that trading is very important for the continuation of the hobby. I try and introduce my kid sisters to footy cards, they like them... but Mum cannot afford to buy them..... so I give them my doubles.... even if they have crap taste in teams!

Without trading, I probably would not have stayed in the hobby... I was the girl trading Michael Jordan cards for Gary Payton cards LMAO
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