Just wondering where i can get my cards graded in Australian instead of sending them the BGC (too many complaints my mate have had with them)......any help would be great.
i know i am new back into the hobby, and dont know much, but the way i look at it,
if everyone eeps thinking that there will never be any other option.
If people were to start getting cards graded by another compny ( lets say this new aussie one that has been trying to start up for a while)
then peoples attitudes may change giving us all another option,
I for one dont have anything really special card wise, but will send some soon to them to see how it goes,
give them a chance and see if they can prove themselves,
just my 2 cents worth, feel free to tell me to shut up and keep my opinions to myself if you wish.
lolo... its aok..your welcome to your opinion like every1 else.
To a point your right but it will take years for any other company to build a reputation.
Most people get cards graded on something nice/special or higher end
At the moment....getting a card graded by anyone else is not going to make it better/worth more etc.
Sure ide love to see it take off....it would be great