Just fishing around to see who would be interrsted in an Exquisite base break?
Just thinking and I think 10 spots would be good. There should be at least 10 "hits" in a case.
I am not good with break and online stuff and videoing, so maybe could get someone else in Sydney to host??? Wonga - up for breaking an Exquitsite Case? Or maybe get a few guys together to do this.
I will not be buying in on this so will be impartial for me.
Cost though would be high - looking at about $180 for one spot dlvd within Australia.
You could get a major MOJO or one crap card (like a no one non-auto RC card). That is the gamble.
If you are interested then read further about the process I would have in mind.
There are then 5 remaining cards and 3 boxes. So those will be randomly selected to be distributed like other case breaks.
The 10 would be spots 1-9 are the 3 middle cards of each boxes. Card 10 would be the first extra hit in the break. All common cards would be considered non-hits (that includes a Jordan common). All rookies would be considered a hit, including non-autoed RCs.
Extra cards would be numbered 1-5 in order of which they are pulled. Boxes will be considered extra cards (so cards 6-8 in order at which they were opened)
So lets say for example:
1st box: common (extra cd 1), hit (1) hit (2) hit (3), common (extra cd 2) (Box is cd 6)
2nd box: Common (extra cd 3), hit (4) hit (5) hit (6) hit(10) (Box is cd 7)
3rd box: Common (extra cd 4), hit (7) hit (8) hit (9) HIT (extra cd 5) (Box is cd 8)
This had 11 instead of 10 hits so the last hit is the 5th extra card as it was pulled last out of the extra cards. 3 middle cards of each boxes are 1-9 and the first extra hit (last card in box 2) is hit 10.
Randomisation of 1-10 will be before hand.
Randomisation of Extra cards 1-8 will be after the break, because you do not want to know before hand if you are going to be stuck with a box or even just one card.
A change to the plan may be at the end to be, for the extra items, to rank them from 1-8 in estimated value, so we go for a draw for most expensive first, so the likelihood of 3 people in the bag for an auto box is low.
Or anther option would be to randomise the 8 extra items, and then randomis the people who will pick them up.