I don't really see jimbo's 1-2 words posts... he actually is involved in many threads that make sense to me......
well, looks like my vote Jase is not moving on with his posts and breaks (he is rather quick on PMs..**I.E. penny auto GU catch** lol... my guess is obviously wrong... with Carlos is waiting at 2999.. hehe
If you are fast enough, you may go over 3000 tonight.. but will definitely earn a month ban from our Mods LOL..
I have made mostly genuine posts (except for this thread) last night and this morning and Clarkey was STILL 9 in front (8 now) what on earth are you writing about clarkey??? lol
Thanks for the new Avatar. It is my submission for "Hero of the Week"111
Either someone has visited my MySpace site, or I must've loaded that pic up here a while ago. Got to admit the surprised look on my face suits the pic quite a lot, as it gives it that "WTF!! They photoshopped my head onto this movie poster".