great mailday for the Wade pc Vince, love the Wade Extra Exquisite card from an awesome set. The Wade rc 03-04 Exquisite Collection - Gold is a sensational card, great pick up. The Legends of The Draft Patch Auto is a Sweet looking card, the auto is centered really well and a nice 3 colour patch.
ljandkg - Thanks for the nice comments . Yeah that's for sure... '03 Rookie Exquisites always at a premium and being wade doesn't help either!
Funkadelic - Yeah I love the LEgends of the draft card too, was drawn to it by the sweet patch and having a well displayed auto on it is a bonus
ace e - Hahaha thanks for the comments man, glad you liked. I was actually fricken out a little when the EE took ages to come as I did a deal off ebay, so glad it arrived safely.
scottsophie - Thanks Scotty... yeah these rc exquisites especially the gold hardly pop up and it has taken me ages to snare one but to get the EE too is extra sweet for the pc, very happy .
buyingstuffformikelee - thanks for the nice comments Mike, yeah love the Legends of the draft card too... looks awesome in hand.
JZA - The Exq Gold is very sweet indeed, took me ages to get one into the pc! After receiving it in hand, it was definately worth the wait. Thanks for the nice comment man.
Nash13 - Thanks Matt , glad you liked!
jimboiitmac - thanks for the comments bud, glad to be able to share.
andrew3134 - Thanks for the kind comments Andrew . Very happy to get all three cards into the pc. The EE is indeed an awesome set and imagine trying to complete it (near impossible) with that crazy buyer who pays so much $$$ for the Kobe's . The only person I know that has completed is our very own Mike! With the Legends of the draft card, the patch definately got my attention as the few that have poped up previously didn't have such a great looking patch and with the auto being clearly displayed too was an added bonus!
Moses - Thanks bud .
nandalinnaung - Thanks for your very kind comments Linn . Glad to be able to share with you many past cards that you may not have seen before. I too love seeing mailday from members here, cause there are many cards I would never of known existed without seeing it shown here.
The Truth - Me too .. thanks bud!
tss501 - Thanks for the comments, glad I could share!
nandalinnaung - Thanks for your very kind comments Linn . Glad to be able to share with you many past cards that you may not have seen before. I too love seeing mailday from members here, cause there are many cards I would never of known existed without seeing it shown here.
Exxactly.. that's one of the reasons I love hanging out here.. to see the cards I would never imagine to be able to check out from other members... high end cards to some excellent photography and actions...