White whale PC mailday


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Hey guys,
I've had a little bit come through lately from trades, purchases and a COMC order.
Hope you like it as much as I did :)

First up some hits from box breaks. All have been added to the bucket for trade or sale.

David West 19/25

Solomon Hill 08/25

Jarrett Jack blue crusade

and Isaiah Thomas Innovation AU NNO

Next up is a care package from a great mate @xavierty. Thanks mate! He also chucked in a lot of Mash base I needed for the PC :D

And I love this patch!

This one shocked me when it arrived as it was a redemption replacement for 2011 Panini Gold Standard (11-12) Superscribe Dejuan Blair /149 from Panini.

Nice Prime auto /25 straight into the Mash PC!

One for the Weatherspoon PC, this is my 5th gold and 28th (?) four sport auto :D
Would love to know how many of the gold autos were made as we already know 1575 of the blue auto were made.

Next up a booklet from Preferred 45/49. Got the prime coming too :)

I have been going hard to land the 2013/14 Crusade rainbow and managed to pick up the following so far. Just need to track down the black 1/1! :eek:
Nationals promo 5/5, base, Red 145/349, Teal 182/249, Die cut 25/99, Purple 34/49, Gold 07/10 and Green 2/5

And the best for last, the white whales for both the Clarence Weatherspoon and Jamal Mashburn PC.
I honestly never thought they would ever surface and who knows how many are out there!
I have already posted the Weatherspoon one in a previous mailday but wanted to show them off together.
From Topps Finest, here are the Lottery Prize and Cornerstone TEST REFRACTORS :woot::woot::woot::woot::woot::woot:

Thanks for looking and as always, let me know if you have anything I made need for either the Weatherspoon or Mashburn PC :)

Oh those test refractors are SEXY... Almost impossible to find. Fine additions there! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Love the Crusade rainbow too! :hearts::hearts::hearts:

Couple of really nice patches too! :kick:
nice haul! I'm a bit of a fan of the innovative ink - the patch auto of mash is cool too!
Thanks! Not a huge fan of them calling the trim a prime but what a sweet replacement! If you need the innovative ink LMK

Love the Lottery Prize and Cornerstone cards, very sweet designs. Great to see some white whales captured by you.
Awesome work landing those whales mate.
Congrats on the white whales man, must be stoked to get them in the PC!
Thanks guys, very happy to get them all and I honestly never thought they would surface.

Congrats on the white whales! And good luck finding the Black Crusade :D
That is my only goal right now is the find the black!

Nice refractors and good to see a favorable replacement from Panini!
Lottery prize and cornerstone refractors are sensational and love your redemption from Panini!!
I know right! Very rare for Panini to send a decent replacement and nice to know they listen to my requests :)

Looking forward to see the Prime Booklet - nice bit of eye candy!
They are a little underwhelming to be honest skip but hoping they look better in hand

Wish you will found the Crusade black Ant ( i keep an eye open ) ! Very nice mailday :thumbsup:
Thanks Tiph! Will be a challenge to find it

Oh those test refractors are SEXY... Almost impossible to find. Fine additions there! :thumbsup::thumbsup::thumbsup:

Love the Crusade rainbow too! :hearts::hearts::hearts:

Couple of really nice patches too! :kick:

Thanks G lol
Some awesome cards. Great to hear some more of those rare refractors ended up in PC's.....

Love that booklet with Ewing and LJ on one side and Zo and Mash on the other. Used to love those battles. A shame Hardaway isn't on it but then it wouldn't be in your PC I guess!
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