Thanks Norm, been watching that like a hawk dude, I tried submitting best offers, but they wouldnt budge, so I let it expire and will come back to them (hopefully) on the relist.
got a devin harris marks of brilliance 15/25 if u want. jimmy butler is my fav player so if u have any of his autos will be keen to trade otherwise pm me an offer
got a devin harris marks of brilliance 15/25 if u want. jimmy butler is my fav player so if u have any of his autos will be keen to trade otherwise pm me an offer
30-40?? When you say "similar" are you referring to Hakeem Olajuwon ($20) David Robinson ($27) and Dominique Wilkins ($27) similar?
Just for reference, here's a list of about 50 Marks of Brilliance, granted none feature Devin Harris, but check the prices and the names, and you'll see why I'm questioning your price;,sh,i100,=panini+marks+of+brilliance
I gotta pass man, I just cant justify it. IF it were #5/25, I'd actually be closer to it, but it's a base auto #/25. Check these completed listings, and you'll see some variances in prices for various products. Note the 2x Panini Crown Royal Silo's for around $16ea;