Where Do you order your Box's from?

DACardWorld are excellent, but they only deliver to your credit card billing address, which can be annoying. ToyWiz.com always seem to have good stuff in stock, but they are quite expensive. CanadaCardWorld.com is another option.

Of course, my own webstore will be opening VERY soon... OctagonCards.com :)
I use DACardWorld a bit, but for some non-sport stuff keep an eye out for the group buys organised by Jen (tangent) on ozcards, currently there is a big bang theory group buy happening. For NRL stuff I buy from redtorana, also a member here on OCT.
You can get around the credit card billing address with Dacardworld by doing a directbankwire transaction - then it's delivered to your door.
Have ordered some boxes from dacardworld via UPS. If anyone isn't home at the time of delivery is it as simple as pickup from the local post office?
Have ordered some boxes from dacardworld via UPS. If anyone isn't home at the time of delivery is it as simple as pickup from the local post office?

I was not home once and they went in my backyard and left it undercover and then left a note in my mailbox with the location. Don't know if that is their regular method though.
I got my first delivery from dacardworld on monday and wasn't home and i had to pick it up next day at post office.
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