From the Blazing Saddles campfire scene - "More beans Mr Taggert?" (u have to see that!!)
Also from Blazing saddles - new black sheriff is riding into redneck western town. The town is all set up with a parade for him - not knowing he's black. The town clock strikes 12 just as the town drunk on lookout spots him coming.
Drunk "HE'S HERE, ......holy shit! THE SHERIFF IS A NI-" DONG!!!!!!!!!!!!
Townsfolk "What?"
Drunk "I SAID................THE SHERIFF.........IS A NI-" DONG!!!!!!!!!
Whole film is a classic - if u like the old classic Mel Brooks stuff - Airplane etc.
A couple of serious ones for Shoes....
Nicholson "You want answers?"
And The Shawshank Redemption - Tim Robbins - just been framed for his wifes murder is on the stand.
Lawyer "And the evidence has just up and disappeared. Don't u find that decidedly 'convenient'?"
Robbins "Actually from where I stand I find it decidedly 'inconvenient'!.
He got life!!!! Great film.....
And lastly one I got stuck in my head from the 3 musketeers
Chevy Chase - "Don't move!! Or I'll fill u so full of lead you'll be using your dick for a pencil!!!"
All Amusing.... but I like drama's a lot more but they can still have funny bits.
From Boys on the Side, which I doubt anyone here has seen
At beginning of Movie Jane is singing in a club and there's this up herself chick all over this hot/rich guy and for some reason she pisses Jane off so Jane walks over to her and sits down next to her when hot guy goes for a toilet break.
Jane: Girl that man, he's so fiiiine....
Hot chick: yeah actually he is...
Jane: this your first date
HC: mmmhm listen do you need to clear anything you can just leave the glasses
Jane: I was the singer up there you didn't see me I was like signalling and going like this to you (pointing to nose)
HC: what ar eyou talking about?
JAne: You don't know, oh baby you had the biggest greenest thing hanging out of your nose I kept going like this (pointing to nose)
HC: oh my god you could see it from up there
Jane: Baby it looked like gumby doing tarzan it was huge
Hot chick wipes at her nose and is suitably embarrassed for when cute guy returns from bathroom.
Jane: So are you the one who loved too much or too little?
Mary Louise Parker's character (for some reason I forget her name): Neither. I'm the one who spent three years at the bar and never went home with anyone but the bartender.
Oh and...
Nick: That's something I never understood about you girls I could never figure out, what is sex like without a d***?
Jane: I don't know man, you tell me!
Holly hits Nick with a Baseball bat
Jane: What the F*** is wrong with you?
Holly: Did I hurt him?
Jane: What do you mean did you hurt him? You hit him with a bat!
Robyn, Robyn's Mother, Holly and Abe are sitting around table eating dinner....
Robyn: anyway jane called me at work wants to know how you are
Holly: I'm fine
Mother: Who's Jane
Abe: Jane used to live here up until a few days ago
Robyn: You stay out of this holly it's between me and Jane
Holly: Well she asked for my advise so I told her she's anti lesbian
Robyn: I am not
Mother: Who's a lesbian?
Robyn: Jane is
Mother: and she was living here?
Abe: Yes Ma'am (awesome southern accent might I add)
Robyn: I am not anti lesbian
Holly: Not you, her
Mother: Who
Robyn: Jane
Holly: See this is her old problem she creates a situation where she gets this rejection that everyone sees coming
Robyn: She just wasnt being honest
Holly: I think it's a black thing too
Mother: Jane is black
Abe: Yes Ma'am she sure is
Robyn: And you can't live a lie, you just can't
Holly: Well there's lying and there's just not telling
Robyn: Big diff
Mother: SHe's a black lesbian
Abe: Yes Ma'am that is right
mother: and she was living here... with you?
Holly: No No No she was just living here... they weren't like F****** or anything... (looks at Robyn) were you?
Mother: were you?
Abe: (oh so adorably looks up from his corn cob) were you?
Robyn: (astounded look) I... I'll get the coffee.
*Derek feeling lost and upset looking to the night sky* Derek: Who am I?
*Phone rings, he picks up*
Maury: Derek? Derek: God?
Maury: God? What the sh*t are you talkin' about? It's me, Maury.
*Derek feeling lost and upset looking to the night sky* Derek: Who am I?
*Phone rings, he picks up*
Maury: Derek? Derek: God?
Maury: God? What the sh*t are you talkin' about? It's me, Maury.
(Mugatu shows Derek a model of a building)
Derek Zoolander: What is this? A center for ants? How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?
Mugatu: Derek, this is just a small...
Derek Zoolander: I don't wanna hear your excuses! The building has to be at least... three times bigger than this!
(Mugatu shows Derek a model of a building)
Derek Zoolander: What is this? A center for ants? How can we be expected to teach children to learn how to read... if they can't even fit inside the building?
Mugatu: Derek, this is just a small...
Derek Zoolander: I don't wanna hear your excuses! The building has to be at least... three times bigger than this!
This is from a scene from one of my faves and probably the most underrated movie of all time, "Glengarry Glenross". the scene where alec baldwin comes into the office and just rips the shit out of the employees is amazing, the pure vitriol with which he spits his words is truly scary:
Blake: What's the problem, pal? Dave Moss: You -
[correcting him] Dave Moss: Moss. You're such a hero, you're so rich, how come you're coming down here wasting your time with such a bunch of bums? Blake: You see this watch? You see this watch? Dave Moss: Yeah. Blake: That watch costs more than you car. I made $970,000 last year. How much you make? You see pal, that's who I am, and you're nothing. Nice guy? I don't give a shit. Good father? **** you! Go home and play with your kids. You wanna work here - close! You think this is abuse? You think this is abuse, you cocksucker? You can't take this, how can you take the abuse you get on a sit? You don't like it, leave. Blake: You got leads. Mitch & Murray paid good money. Get their names to sell them. You can't close the leads you're given, you can't close shit, *you are* shit, hit the bricks pal, and beat it, 'cause you are going *out*. Shelley Levene: The leads are weak. Blake: "The leads are weak." The ****ing leads are weak? You're weak. I've been in this business fifteen years... Dave Moss: What's your name? Blake: **** you. That's my name.
[Moss laughs] Blake: You know why, mister? 'Cause you drove a Hyundai to get here tonight, I drove an eighty thousand dollar BMW. *That's* my name.
on a side note when i was 3 i watched that, we were having a huge party, my parnets co workers, bosses, friends, family the whole bunch were over anyways me and my sister got in a fight and in front of everyone i repeated that line to her haha