While I agree with the general idea of what you are tryin to say, I think it should be different!
It should be nothing to do with the $$ value! It should be a simple case of "would you rather the card you pulled over the money you spent to pull it?" If yes, then you have mojo!!
MOJO for me is either something for the PC or if I can't hit that it would be something I can sell to another collector or to get some $$ to buy something (either for the PC or real life) I normally wouldn't be able to.
2 examples - busted a 09-10 UD box ($75 I think) - hit a Garnett auto, boom. Only sells for around $50-75 but huge to hit one personally.
Also busted a 07-08 Letterman and hit a Carmelo 1/1 game used jersey auto letter 'Y'. Sold it to a guy who was trying to put the whole name together. Two people happy!
For me mojo would be pulling one of the better cards available in the product I am busting. The higher the value the better and makes the difference between mojo and MOJO
different strokes. for me mojo is hitting a card i want/need regardless of value...altho getting a case hit of something i dont want but worth alot more than the box would be mojo aswell i guess.
can you have bad mojo?
Agree - If you're guaranteed an "MJ" per case then I can't see this being MOJO. More so a guaranteed percentage of value back per case. Hitting a Kyrie Gold Prizm /10 is MOJO!