whats a good scanner for graded cards?


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I was wondering if anyone has experience in scanning graded cards.I recently bought a epson 37 scanner to scan my graded cards,so I can upload them to a photobucket or flickr account,some have turned out alright but anything with bright colours or refractors has the l.e.d scan lights through the cards.I have seen many graded cards that have been scanned that look really good,but I cant seem to buy the right scanner,any advice or info people might have would be much appreciated.
I have included a pic of what my scanner does to bright cards.

Use a nice digital camera, the quality should be on par with a scanner and you can adjust the settings. Try a tripod
its the scanning technology they use.

The old scanners is what you need for refractors. Your espons scnaner actually scans as the card would be scene in light so it isn't a bad thing.

If you don't want the effect as mentioned above camera and no flash with good white lighting is your best option.
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