What was your first ever cards?


Cowboys Collector
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Wondering when everys first card was. What was it, what year and how old were you

I had got Daily Telegrah cards since 2001.
My first Select cards were when I was 11 and its was the 2006 Invincible Cowboys common set. I was stoked and they went everywhere with me. :)
I then bought the whole 2006 Invincible set and then started collected Cowboys inserts.

I now LOVE NRL cards!!! :) (Especially Cowboys cards :) )
not NRL but my first ever pack that I bought was way back in '93 and it was Futera NBL cards and I actually scored a Brian Gorgian Coach of the Year insert card, sadly that was the only time I got an insert from that set- I still have the card too!!
My first ones were the 1986 Scanlens NRL Cards - I can still remember how good the smell was. That bubble gum was just the best stuff ever invented! I was in 2nd Grade at primary school, but it wasn't until a year later that I had enough cash to buy heaps of packs! Gotta love the purple 1987 Scanlens set!
My first pack was Scanlen Rugby League back in the 70's and the card that stood out for me was Rod Reddy's
I had no idea about collecting back then the cards were dog eared and mark to think if I looked after them and to have them now
My first pack of footy cards would have been back in 74/75 when I was 4/5 yrs old.I know I had the 79 series about 2 times over wish I had them now but long gone lost in a move sometime in the 80's.
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