Reading doesn't mean you follow NBA. You follow AFL, the sport, which pro rata, has more douchebags than any other sport probably. Guess he'll just have to go into the HOF where he will be in some good douche company
Reading doesn't mean you follow NBA. You follow AFL, the sport, which pro rata, has more douchebags than any other sport probably. Guess he'll just have to go into the HOF where he will be in some good douche company
Now you're just making up things to support what you think. I don't read bleacher report, nor have I ever been on it. You're also generalizing AFL. I never said NBA fans are douches, I didn't say NBA players douches, no I said KG is a douche. He's obnoxious and he picks on players smaller than him.
Brad I'm not totally sure!!!!!!! I don't understand how it can be so divided, probably because when I used to play heaps it was my role to score a bit, rebound, intimidate, and I felt the urge to stand up for teammates and try and get into people's head a bit so I can't really see the other side. I did play a bit dirty if you want to call it that, I like to call it physical. Or old school
No-one can tell me that they wouldn't want a 7ft, focused, competitive, basketball smart, scoring, rebounding, physical, lead by example player on their team!!!
They could tell me, but I wouldn't believe it! You can say he's dirty, but you wouldn't want him on your team??? You can say he's not all there in the head, a bit hypo in interviews but you wouldn't want him on YOUR team??? He wears his heart on his sleeve and lets the emotion out - you don't want him on YOUR TEAM??? Don't even bother telling me you wouldn't!!!
In summary - as I shake my head, it's totally beyond me why Brad, I guess HATERS GONNA HATE
Now you're just making up things to support what you think. I don't read bleacher report, nor have I ever been on it. You're also generalizing AFL. I never said NBA fans are douches, I didn't say NBA players douches, no I said KG is a douche. He's obnoxious and he picks on players smaller than him.
Douche usually refers to vaginal irrigation, the rinsing of the vagina, but it can also refer to the rinsing of any body cavity. A douche bag is a piece of equipment for douching—a bag for holding the fluid used in douching. To avoid transferring intestinal bacteria into the vagina, the same bag must not be used for an enema and a vaginal douche.
Tell me more!! You're on the right track. Let me just watch a Geelong game, and in a few broad strokes I'll come up with some random term like you
I've never stated that he isn't good, he's a great player and sure he'll be in the HOF. He's just obnoxious, is dirty and picks on players smaller than him. That's why I don't like him.