all depends whether dwight waits till his contract expires then he can go to boston (or any other team with the cap room) freely. could you imagine bostons free throw percentage with dwight & rondo....urghhh!!! hahaha
After reading all these, I think I agree Danny will wait out the season.
Trades wont help, unless your trading for draft picks as I understand the draft is deep.
I would say that the only trade I can see happening is Boston getting rid of Ray. Pierce will be a Celt for life and KG wouldn't bring a lot of value for teams to trade young talent for him. Boston love Rondo, he isn't getting traded anytime soon. Allen holds a lot of value as teams see him as a 15-20 ppg guy a game and a clutch shooter for at least 2 more years. I say trade Ray to a title condenter and try to get some picks or young talent for him.