Just finished Learn Your ABC's it was great. Moving on to Colours and Shapes next!
Philip K Dick's Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep
I also have ready to go (got em all for my birthday):
Neuromancer : William Gibson
Lord Of The Flies : William Golding
And when done, re-read:
Brave New World : Aldous Huxley
Nineteen Eighty-Four : George Orwell
A Clockwork Orange : Anthony Burgess
Neverwhere : Neil Gaiman (to be read).
Doesn't surprise me, Being that you're a Celtics fan and all
I've had Neverwhere kicking around for about 18 months (a mate lent it to me). I liked the movie Stardust and got that book for my wife and I like him as an interview. Read a handful of his comics and loved his work on Mirrormask and the Alice Cooper album The Last Temptation.
I loved the stardust graphic novel, it is one of my favourites. I cannot stress just how much I hated the movie version of it though
They took a very clever and well written story and dumbed it down into a no-brainer kids film.
If you ever get a chance to read Sandman then you should do so, another wonderful story, masterfully told.
Neil Gaiman actually worked on the Stardust movie though.
Doesn't surprise me, Being that you're a Celtics fan and all