What are my options when looking to buy boxes online? (besides eBay)


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Hey all =)

This might be a complete warning sign that i have a problem, buuut my favourite part of this hobby is buying boxes and just seeing what you find :P I have been buying a bunch of 2008 Skybox Blaster Boxes hoping (not really expecting to though lol) to pull a Derrick Rose Ruby Rookie, or even just a normal version.

I could buy the normal one on ebay but where is the fun in that!? :P

So yeah, i'm starting to run out of retail boxes to buy and was wondering if their were other Aussie sites, or even American sites that ship to Australia at all?

SORRY if this has been asked before, i'm sure it has but i tried searching a few things and came up dry :(

Thanks! :)
Www.dacardworld.com for buying boxes

Www.cardsinfinity.com to have them opened for you and sent to you (cheaper postage)

Try @Mrpaparazzi or @A1cardsandgaming on this site or even westriot on ebay i think and on here.

Try paparazzi cards and collectibles on Facebook. (aka @Mrpaparazzi)

Hope that helps.

Any more questions dont be afraid to ask.
Thank you for the shoutout man :)
Sorry if the error is on my end westriot but after clicking on the url under your name (www.DGCollectables.com.au), there is a link to your eBay store, but after clicking on it i get an error screen. Just thought i'd mention that just in case it wasn't known to you.

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