were there marvel cards in 1998??

Tangent those marvel annual flair boxes are around 100$ on eBay and there is the 1990 xmen series 1 for $140. Are they about right for prices?
I don't actually collect the older Marvel sets so I don't know. If I was interested, I would check completed sales on eBay to work out a price. The specific series and years can have very different prices, so be careful that you are checking the correct one.
If you can get a box of Flair for $100, go for it. They usually go for at least 140-150, especially the 95 series.
Marvel creators and marvel silver age we're the main sets produced in 1998. I think it was one of the years they started to do sketch cards also.

I badly gotta complete those sets, creators is pretty hard because of those bloody autograph cards !!
Tell me about it. Signature cards are killing me at the moment.

I did find a good source of 95 Chromium and 94 Masterpiece sigs for a great price, but I've cleaned them out!
Lol, nice, yeah, I sold off ton's of 94 sigs a few months back, I'm cleaned out now. I need to finish my chromium xmen signatures from 95. Pretty annoying set to finish too.

But once they are done!!, dam sweeet.
Shop around for those.. I spent a long time chasing them, and I think from memory got a whole set for like $15, or $20... Problem is always shipping that gets you anyways.. so yeah.. I would'nt buy off marvel masters on ebay though.. $1500 for all the sets, is completely rediculous.
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