Excellent pickups Mike, great exquisite set to chase!
Man, how many set chases do you have going on? (can't keep track with all these sets you building )
Cowboys78 - Certainly can't, thanks for the nice words
nandalinnaung - :-D Thanks man
vinceaww - Thanks mate
Yeah, I love my set chases and themes, givee me a purpose to pursue things and all more rewarding when I finish and watch it come to life on a new website.
How many cahses?
Let me think...... I think 9 off the top of my head right now, 9 or 10 anyway. I don't really keep tabs.
ozballer23 - Thanks bud, will try my best. It's getting tough with less and less sellers shipping to OZ, so I have to pass up a fair few that land on e-bay.