Wednesday Auto Mailday..


Dwight Howard #12
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Received these today..

a couple of autographics from eBay...

thanks MikeLee for free brandon hunter RC auto.. you are a legend..:thumbsup:

thanks ScottSophie for Sean May and Frye autos.. they are just lovely..

And finally Pierce34 for peja exquisite auto patch and odom SIGnificance...


Oh, DAve CAn't FLy for his freebies... thanks so much.. i really love the cards.. for me, base cards are always valuable to me too..


thanks for looking.. and thanks everyone who sold/traded with me.. on either eBay or Ozcards..
all every nice looking cards Linn, the stand out imo is the Stojakovic Exquisite, great looking patch on the card. Nice pick up on the Odom auto, really like the Significance set.
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