Wanted to buy 2000- 2016 mostly higher end cards

Andjel 2251

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Ok finally have organised a list of the cards I need from 2000 to today ....
Looking to buy not trade so let me know how much you want ...

SELECT 2000 : LS1 Gasnier

SELECT 2001 Impact: FFR4 Redemption only Mason All Star Signature
AS1 Tallis AS2 Johns AS3 Fittler AS4 Girdler LC1 Langlands

SELECT 2002: All Star Signature AS1 Lockyer AS2 Anasta AS3 Gidley AS4 Wing LSC1 Raper

SELECT 2003: Legend Signature LS(R)1 Provan Summons Tribute Signature Tribute Signature /100 TS(R)1 Mortimer TS(R)2 Price Jersey Cards JC JSR JS1 Lockyer JC JSR JS2 Price JC JSR JS3 Ricketson

2003 SELECT SCANLENS: 3 Tallis 4 Lockyer Broncos 15 Johns Knights 19 Hindmarsh 27 Fittler and 27 Fittler Correction card

SELECT 2004: Captain Signature (Redemption) CS(R)1 - CS(R)15
Bulldogs 3 card predictor set PC1 – PC3

2005 POWER: PC1 – PC3 LLS(R)1 Buderus LLS(R)2 Slater LLS(R)3 Webcke RSS(R)1 Hunt RSS(R)2 Williams LS(R)1 Beetson

2005 TRADITION: Signature Redemption Cards SC(R)1 Stewart SC(R)2 Tupou SC(R)3 Poore

2006 INVINCIBLE: TS(R)1 Daley RBRS(R)1 Johns MS(R)1 Thurston MS(R)2 Tim Smith

2007 INVINCIBLES: Signature Card SC(R)1 Smith SC(R)2 Hindmarsh SC(R)3 Bowen SC(R)4 Wesser

2008 CENTENARY: Prize Cards P1 Tigers P4 Magpies PSC1 Orford TCFS8 Beetson IMSC(R)1 - IMSC(R)7

2009 CLASSIC: Captains Signatures (Redemptions) CS(R)16 - CS(R)21

2011 STRIKE: 2010 Premiers Dragons PR1 PC1-PC3 Medallist Signatures (Redemptions) MS(R)1 Slater MS(R)2 Boyd MS(R)3 Hayne MS(R)4 Carney

2012 DYNASTY SELECT: League Leaders Black LLB2 - LLB16 Signature Cards (Redemptions) AWS(R)1 Slater AWS(R)2 Cherry-Evans AWS(R)3 Stewart TS(R)1 Lockyer

2012 ESP: Case Card LE2 Slater/ Carney

2013 TRADERS: Legends L1 Johns L2 Raper

2015 TRADERS: Dynamic Duo - DD1 Bulldogs DD2 Cowboys

2016 TRADERS: SAS Complete Signature Set SASS1- SASS13 SASS15-17 Dynamic Duo - DD2 Rabbitohs

2016 ELITE: RFS1 Oates RFS2 Fifita RFS4 Burgess,
Sapphire MOJO - Bulldogs Gold Coast Parramatta Tigers
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Hi, please let me know if you are still interested in grabbing then 03 Summons/proven #36..... Buy or trade……will list on ebay today thanks anyway.
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