R Royster OzCardTrader Feedback - 100% 21 0 0 Dec 30, 2018 #1 Hi everyone. I literally have hundreds of cards still to collect. I have two wanted threads, one for Cronulla sharks cards I am chasing and another which is broader. This is the sharks wanted list. Strong preference to trade for cards on my sale / trade thread. Cronulla Sharks Need List 1969 Scanlens Die Cut Card DC11 - Sams 1970 Scanlens 21, 22, 29, 33 1971 Mobile 2, 15, 25 1974 Scanlens 68, 98 1983 Scanlens Stickers 158, 159, 163, 164 1984 Scanlens Stickers 157, 158 1985 Scanlens Stickers 119, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186 1990 Fielders Stickers Rogers 1992 Select Stickers 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80 1993 Fielders Scratch Cards ET, McKelleghar, Graham, Davidson, Lee (+ 4 others) 1994 Fielders Blockbusters ET 1997 Super League Sharks Gate Cards, SH2, SH4 1997 Phone Cards Green, Long, Treister. 2001 Telegraph Sharks Stickers unpeeled 2001 Impact Peachey Promo Card 2002 Telstra Sharks Postcard 2005 Power PI6 Inspirations Rogers 2005 Tradition CH4 Club Hero Peachey 2006 Accolades TT4 Top Trio 2006 Hot Shots Holographic 23, 24 2007 Champions Holofoil HF47 - Gallen 2009 Scanlens SC8 - Gallen 2010 Tags Silver 28-36, Gold 7, 8 2012 Dynasty League Leaders Gold LLG4 - Gallen 2013 Elite League Sensations LS11 - Gallen 2013 Power Play TM11 - Team Mascot Reefy 2013 Traders Young Guns YG13 Michael Lichha 2013 Sunblest Sunblest Tazo Sharks (43) 2014 Elite LS11 League Sensation Michael Gordon 2016 Elite RGP7 Run & Gun Parallel - Barba / Leutele 2016 Traders PP28 - Piece of the Puzzle 28 - Gallen SASS4 - Authentic Signature - Ennis 2017 Traders SASS4 - Authentic Signature - Feki 2018 Elite Case Cards GC1 - Gallen, GC2 - Lewis Young Guns YG4 - Ramian League Sensations LS4 - Townsend Roysters Sale/Trade List Royster's Want List Last edited: Jan 4, 2019
Hi everyone. I literally have hundreds of cards still to collect. I have two wanted threads, one for Cronulla sharks cards I am chasing and another which is broader. This is the sharks wanted list. Strong preference to trade for cards on my sale / trade thread. Cronulla Sharks Need List 1969 Scanlens Die Cut Card DC11 - Sams 1970 Scanlens 21, 22, 29, 33 1971 Mobile 2, 15, 25 1974 Scanlens 68, 98 1983 Scanlens Stickers 158, 159, 163, 164 1984 Scanlens Stickers 157, 158 1985 Scanlens Stickers 119, 175, 176, 177, 178, 179, 180, 181, 182, 183, 184, 185, 186 1990 Fielders Stickers Rogers 1992 Select Stickers 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75, 77, 80 1993 Fielders Scratch Cards ET, McKelleghar, Graham, Davidson, Lee (+ 4 others) 1994 Fielders Blockbusters ET 1997 Super League Sharks Gate Cards, SH2, SH4 1997 Phone Cards Green, Long, Treister. 2001 Telegraph Sharks Stickers unpeeled 2001 Impact Peachey Promo Card 2002 Telstra Sharks Postcard 2005 Power PI6 Inspirations Rogers 2005 Tradition CH4 Club Hero Peachey 2006 Accolades TT4 Top Trio 2006 Hot Shots Holographic 23, 24 2007 Champions Holofoil HF47 - Gallen 2009 Scanlens SC8 - Gallen 2010 Tags Silver 28-36, Gold 7, 8 2012 Dynasty League Leaders Gold LLG4 - Gallen 2013 Elite League Sensations LS11 - Gallen 2013 Power Play TM11 - Team Mascot Reefy 2013 Traders Young Guns YG13 Michael Lichha 2013 Sunblest Sunblest Tazo Sharks (43) 2014 Elite LS11 League Sensation Michael Gordon 2016 Elite RGP7 Run & Gun Parallel - Barba / Leutele 2016 Traders PP28 - Piece of the Puzzle 28 - Gallen SASS4 - Authentic Signature - Ennis 2017 Traders SASS4 - Authentic Signature - Feki 2018 Elite Case Cards GC1 - Gallen, GC2 - Lewis Young Guns YG4 - Ramian League Sensations LS4 - Townsend Roysters Sale/Trade List Royster's Want List