wanted lebron/kobe/shaq/wade autos, have $180 paypal

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Lebron, Kobe and Westbrook!!!
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looking to buy the above listed autos or maybe patches, let me know what you have to offer in a pm, make me up a decent package of what i need and ill spend the lot
Re: looking to buy lebron/kobe/shaq/wade autos

got this avail; Wade rc au.


pm me if interested.
Re: looking to buy lebron/kobe/shaq/wade autos

I may have have this available if the current deal with it falls thru mate, lmk if your interested and i'll let u know how it goes.

07 08 Elevation Wade auto patch #/7
Re: looking to buy lebron/kobe/shaq/wade autos

Check my thread in this section: I've got a LBJ significance auto /100.
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