Hey mate - yeah look I'm interested but i have already collected approx half the set. Would you be willing to break your set up for the cards I need at all?
hi bud. honestly mate, ive noticed ur gill wl thread for a couple days now. & yestrday i was at my brothers house and he was showing me his old school 90's cards, & i saw he had the gill. i asked him if i can have it & he said yes . then i told him i'll actually leave it with him till i confirm something, which was to see wether u had it or not, as i wantd to keep it a small surprise . i checked ur bucket & coudltn see it, but i wasnt sure wether u had it but just hadnt scanned it (or otherwise even have it incoming). but yeh now i know, consier it posted as soon as i pick it up from my bro (should see him this week hopefully). so yeh put that "incoming", & will get it out to u as asap . take care mate
Awesome Steve!! I cant thank you and your brother enough man. I've only even seen one on the bay and it's being sold by Burbank - so yeah, It's ridiculously overpriced of course.
Thanks again Steve!!
I might just post a little something your way aswell
Awesome Steve!! I cant thank you and your brother enough man. I've only even seen one on the bay and it's being sold by Burbank - so yeah, It's ridiculously overpriced of course.
Thanks again Steve!!
I might just post a little something your way aswell
dont even dare send me anything bro, i swear im gonna send it back to u . u've already hooked me up numerous times. its the least i could do mate.
found out some new info too. i originally said it was the 98-99 One of a Kind Kendall Glil. but its actually 1997-98 . thoguht id metnion it incase u stumbled across the 97-98 version and buy it with the assumtion that the 98-99 versino is incoming. hopefully i can pick it up for ya tonite sometime if i can finish early (work). cheers