Wanted 09/10 Nba Gear Prime


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Have 25/35 well out of 34 as there is no number 25 No idea why? of this set but Unfortunately Need all The Big Ones Now, List below Want, Not Restricting to Dual Or Triple to make it a bit easier as Long as It's Prime, Cheers
RED Incoming

#1 Kobe Bryant /49
#2 Lebron /10
#3 Griffin /49
#4 Durant /5 ( Could Be The Reason To Give Up)
#5 James Harden /49
#6 Dwayne Wade /10
#7 Tyreke Evans /49
#10 Chris Paul /20
#12 Dwight Howard /10
#32 Hasheem Tahbeet /49
i have both these


Mate if you get more of the Duals but decide to give up the chase make me your first port of call please, lol.
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