If you've got bulk lots of commons/base cards you don't want - anything from recent years to the over-produced early 90's stuff - let me know, I'll be glad to take them off your hands - saves you throwing them out. PM me if you've got stuff that you want to get rid of!!
Also looking for low-end (mainly) jerseys, autos and serial numbered lots - if you've got some bulk stuff you can package together at reasonable prices, PM me!
Mate, I've got so much stuff for you. Odds and ends from base cards ranging from 98-99 to present day. Brands like Fleer Brilliants, Fleer Force, Skybox Premium, Upper Deck, Topps, Hoops and even some Topps Chrome and Upper Deck Trilogy.
hi mate in Bendigo...have a few drawers full of mixed base over the last few seasons...box full of kobe legacy cards, heaps of inserts/num parallels and cheapish autos/gu...pm what sort of rates you are roughly paying...