WA trade session 10am Sat 11/10/08

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@ A1, we love collecting as much as you do !
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Just thought i would throw this out there for all the West Aussie members :D

I am meeting another member to complete a trade deal and to look at some other possible trades. :cool:

I thought it would be good to see some other OZcardtrader members there :thumbsup:

WANAROO MARKETS (near the card shop)
10am SATURDAY 11/10/08 until 12ish :lol:

PM me or post here if you are interested in meeting up for a trade session... if nobody replies then i wont be hanging around til 12, more like 1030 :cool:
Bit far for me mate..... plus I'll probably be working Saturday; having a trade session at your stall @ canningvale would be better for me! :D
Bit far for me mate..... plus I'll probably be working Saturday; having a trade session at your stall @ canningvale would be better for me! :D

You can catch me every sunday 8 til 2... its a bit far for me too but i need some penny sleeves etc :lol:
I have a couple of spare seats just in case some trading happens :cool:
Hope to see down there one day soon
That's 4 of us going so far !


Changed to 10 am due to other commitments from one person attending :)

Any other West Australians got nothing to do tomorrow morning :)
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