Very little mailday but meaningful for me !!


#1 Robert Horry Collector
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Today I received this package.

really little mailday but meaningful for me.

Yes these are only chaep cards or trash for someone.

Furthermore, these are not EXQ, Ultimate, Premier, Black, whatever.

But I have really liked these kinds.

Shawn Kemp

Tags would be from Reebok Kamikaze Shoes Product

Not good condition but how and where I can get these as perfect condition? =)

Last time, I got only left one. Now I add 2 more.

ZO, Sheed and KG cards from uncut sheet - all right things
(Sheed and KG's rookie season, 1995-96)


Yah..these are valueless now. Because these were torn from uncut sheet.

But I haven't liked any kinds size cards except standard size.

SO these are very nice to me =)

Anfernee Penny Hardaway
with SHAQ and Both Faximile Autograph

Condition is not good but really nice. =)

Thank you for interests.
Man, that certainly brings back memories, the designs were so much craftier back in the day.

Thanks for sharing the excitement :)

Mike's right, bring's back some nice memories, i have the mj version of the shaq and penny! Nice mailday mate!

thanks guys .=)

Yah..1990's base and insert cards are nice.

Because card company concentrated even to base cards.

At that time, only a few Autograph and Jsy were there.

But since 2000 or 2001, Many People wants only rookie cards or Autograph n Used.

SO it would be nearly impossible to see design nice(but cheap) cards any more.=(
thanks guys .=)

Yah..1990's base and insert cards are nice.

Because card company concentrated even to base cards.

At that time, only a few Autograph and Jsy were there.

But since 2000 or 2001, Many People wants only rookie cards or Autograph n Used.

SO it would be nearly impossible to see design nice(but cheap) cards any more.=(

It's always good to see an appreciation for "old school" inserts and cards...
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