I was just wondering what youses do when an US Ebayer says they won't ship worldwide as I have noticed a few of you somehow manage to win their auctions?
I was just wondering what youses do when an US Ebayer says they won't ship worldwide as I have noticed a few of you somehow manage to win their auctions?
Just use the contact member icon on 1 of there auctions bud...some will do it as long as your prepared to pay whatever lame postage price they choose...
But there are also some good ones out there..
Believe me, dont bother!!! If you insist on them to send after they said no, you will have more problems. Either they will charge you huge in shipping or if you win the auction, they will either delay the shipment or not ship at all. This is from my experience.
Thats what I ended up putting in my rule book for ebay shopping
One of my experiences was that I won this card from this A****** seller and while waiting for the card to arrive, I couldnt bid on the same card that came up on ebay and I miss out in the end (twice). Thats Life!!! And we Live and Learn!
I was just wondering what youses do when an US Ebayer says they won't ship worldwide as I have noticed a few of you somehow manage to win their auctions?
Cliffy - as above - I ask and I am very polite, saying how much I love the card, then sugggest $3-4 but always say it's up to them (gives them the power!!!) Then if they say $10 shipping overseas I ask a mate I have in the states to win it for me if I really want it and it'll save me for him to buy and ship it to me.
I also use my friend for hardass US only auctions if there's a card I'm drooling over.
Cliffy - as above - I ask and I am very polite, saying how much I love the card, then sugggest $3-4 but always say it's up to them (gives them the power!!!) Then if they say $10 shipping overseas I ask a mate I have in the states to win it for me if I really want it and it'll save me for him to buy and ship it to me.
I also use my friend for hardass US only auctions if there's a card I'm drooling over.
Yep, pretty much what Al said, is what I've done in the past.
Luckily, this hobby allows and offers yourself to have many kind colleagues overseas that you end up trusting, so in the end of the day, you should or will always have alternatives.
If I want that card really bad and seller do not ship international, I'll ask a mate in US bid for me. But that doesn't happen very offen as most seller do ship to Australia.
thanks again fellas! As I only just started collecting again I haven't got a trusted network yet so the only thing I can do is drool! Oh and curse the Ebay sellers!
Klattsy says it best!
At the end of the day, if they want to charge the earth or not spent an extra few minutes at a P.O. and fill out a few lines of writing, it's their loss! Some people don't get it, overseas shipping for cards is so cheap and easy, and it broadens your potential bidding audience by literally Millions of people. Why wouldn't you do it? PayPal & it's useless policies, that's why, lol.
I find it's best that you try to become friends with someone in the US (Since I live in the US, that's what others do), therefore you can send them the money and they will pay for it. Once it arrives to them, they can ship it to you.
Just make sure you know the person and can trust them doing this. I have done this for several of my buddies that live all over the world.