Update from ESP on Elite NRL 2014 Stock


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Dear Collectors, firstly we would like to thank everyone for their support of the NRL Elite 2014 release.

The support from collectors, dealers and trading cards website has been overwhelming.

NRL Elite 2014 was released to general retail (selected newsagents) on the 4th of August, our sales at general retail are very strong and are continuing to grow each week.

The product we had in reserve for the collector market (yet to be delivered to Ikon) is now being deployed into general retail to satisfy the demand. Ikon has in reserve a small amount of stock approximately 50 cases, we are going to hold off pulling on this stock in the short-term but if sales continue to remain at the level they are at general retail we will have to review this with Ikon.

We are keen to ensure that all collectors still have access to the Elite 2014 product other than at general retail via your preferred dealer relationship, so we are encouraging everyone to reserve the stock they need as soon as possible.

Again thankyou for your support and see you in Penrith on Sunday.

The way I read it Ikon have priority access to 50 cases, but if demand continues then ESP may dip into those 50 cases to satisfy orders with other resellers.
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