Ultra Birthday Break


On Again, Off Again..
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So I got a box of 06-07 Ultra for my birthday (actually I bought it last week, received at the start of this week but wifey made me keep it till my birthday. How nice..) Here's the highlites:

Peja GU

Finally some notable Platinums

Dwight and Amare One on One GU 067/100

And now I feel special, only 2 in each case of Ultra: UD Black

I'm loving this year's Ultra but it's so frickin' hard to finish the set!

Thanks for looking.
Awesome break there Trav, you are hitting the good boxes of that stuff mine was a dud :(

PM me with what u need to finish the set and i will see if i can help
nice birthday break T, thats the first of those dual jsys ive seen. UD black as well as 2 nice platinums and a decent pejs GU. tops work all round =D>
Top stuff Trav!!!

Love the Dual GU that's tight!

And the Black... Yep, that's TOPS!!!! (well technically it's UD, but ya get it).

Great stuff and well done!
Great stuff funk! :-D

As Dawkins once said. "You cant fake the funk on a nasty dunk" and that box was a sllllllaaaaaam dunk!

Well done to the Mrs!
I'm chasing the regular set, Lucky 14 as gold medallions and the Season Crowns and Scoring Kings inserts. The rookies are hard cos they're SP'd but I'm getting there.

I'm not sure what to do with the UD Black though., whether to keep it or not.
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