Have any of the ufc fans bought this and do u rate it? I was pissed i bought last years for $100 and it was down to $40 within a few months. While i want this one i dont know if il be rushing out to get it. Although Kimbo slice is in it
Has anyone here played it and do u rate it? Last years just seemed to lack something
I preordered my copy(PS3) from JB hifi online... still has not arrived Sooo I ended up getting impatient and picked up a 360 copy with the UFC 110 dvd and tin yesterday.
It's a pretty great game. But yeah, very similar to 2009.
Yeah I'm playing the ps3 version at the mo, my brother lent it to me.
It's 10 fold better than the original, I like it how the fighters have there own styles of movement and punches etc. They actually fight like they do in real life.
Couple of moans tho, submissions are so hard to defend and the knockouts sometimes are boring and repetitive, it's like if you hit them and ko the fight is stopped instantly, should be able to give them a smack for insurance purposes!
The career mode sux when just start out aswell your character is a absolute
muppet who can only throw a punch and a kick haha
But definitely better than the original in all areas, apart from the kos and finishs are exactly the same
But I think it's got heaps of replay value and online would be fun (haven't played online yet) in all honesty I think it would be worth a purchase, I don't play PS3 as much as I used to, but it sure has been getting a workout since I've had this!
If you liked the 1st edition this is a must have..
But could be worth a hire if your still unsure, definitely a couple days on it would be able to tell if it's worth a purchase.
Kimbo is on it haha doesn't go to bad either!
Carwins right hand is devastating, think I finished about 9 fights in a row under 2 minutes.
After I have to give this back I'm going out to buy my own copy if that's a indication